Weekend short break holiday exibition Matilda of Canossa Reggio Emilia and Mantua THE LAND OF MATILDA OF CANOSSA REGGIO EMILIA END MANTUA
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Matilda of Canossa, the Duchy Treasure, Castles and Churches in Reggio Emilia and in Mantua.
History, gastronomy, the Po river and the Mincio river.
Weekend 1night 2 days.

This weekend is dedicated to the discovery of historical and cultural events regarding Countess Matilda of Canossa’s life. Some of these events have conditioned the development of the history on future centuries: The Council of 1106 in Guastalla and the meeting among Matilda, Pope Gregory VII and King Henry IV at the Castello di Canossa of 1077. The Duchy of Matilda, established in 1000, and the Duchy of Gonzaga, established during the Renaissance, are bind together by some themes and they are geographically situated on the left and on the right side of the Po river valley. These two duchies governed Reggio Emilia and Mantua lands leaving us Castles, Churches, Parish Churches and Palaces, the love for our traditional, rich of flavours cuisine, our tortelli (filled pasta)with pumpkin, the Parmigiano-Reggiano and the Grana-Padano (two kind of cheese), all different types of Lambrusco (sparkling red wine) of Reggio Emilia and Mantua, the link with the local, rich culture and with the land and its rivers, the Great Po and the Mincio river.

For our clients: one ticket to visit the three exhibitions
“Matilda and the Canossa Treasure” in Reggio Emilia.
Reduced ticket 5 Euro instead of 7 per person.

If you want to read the programme Matilda of Canossa 1 day see Matilda of Canossa in Reggio Emilia

PROGRAM Weekend 1night 2 days.

Day 1
H. 8.00 a.m.: Arrival in Reggio Emilia by yourself, check-in at the hotel and
meeting with the tourist guide.
Short introduction of the local history and of the exhibition on Matilda of Canossa 
at Palazzo Magnani, the Museo Diocesano and the Museo Civico.
After the exhibit you will have a lunch based on a typical Reggio Emilia menu
in a restaurant or in a “holiday on the farm” structure (agriturismo).
H. 2.00 p.m.: Departure by bus for the guided tour of Matilda’s lands on the
Reggio Emilia hills
, of the Castello di Canossa and of the Museo Narborre
Campanili in Canossa.

We suggest you to visit the Castello di Rossena and the Castello di Bianello.
At the end of the tour, you will visit a vinegar factory to discover how the Traditional
Balsamic Vinegar of Reggio Emilia
is produced since Matilda’s age.
Alternatively, you can visit a dairy for the production of the Parmigiano Reggiano
where you will taste it.
H. 6.30 p.m.: Departure by bus for the hotel.
Dinner in a restaurant of the historical centre.
After the dinner, free time for a walk in the city.
Overnight stay in hotel.

Day 2
H. 07.00 a.m.: Breakfast in the hotel
H.08.00 a.m.: Departure by bus in the direction of the lowlands. You will arrive
in Guastalla and there you will visit a Pieve Matildica (a Matilda’s Parish Church),
where took place The Papal Council of 1107. Then you will continue your visit at the
Great Po River , where you will catch the motor ship for the cruise to Mantua.
Alternatively, transfer by bus without boating.
Alternative: transfer by bus without cruising.
H. 10.30 a.m.: Embarkation, meeting with the captain and beginning of the navigation
along the Po River and later along the Mincio River up to the Mantua Lakes.
Short stop in San Benedetto Po (a little village on the Po river) to visit the
“Complesso Polironiano” of San Benedetto Po (transfer by bus).
Once, San Benedetto Po was a river island.
There, you will visit the “Polirone”, a monumental complex that includes
the small Matildas’s Church
. Inside you can admire the mosaics devoted to
Matilda of Canossa
and hers sarcophagus. Then, visit of the Abbey and the
Polirone courts
, where take place the Matilda of Canossa exhibition.
Lunch on board or in a restaurant.
H. 04.30 p.m.: Disembarkation at Mantua Lakes landing stages. In Mantua,
meeting with the guide to complete the tour of Mathilda’s places and to visit the
Mathilda of Canossa exhibition at the “Casa del Mantegna”.
In Mantua you can see the Church “Rotonda di San Lorenzo”
(established by Mathilda of Canossa), Palazzo dei Canossa and Piazza Canossa.
The last visit of this program is the exhibition of Gonzaga’s treasure at Palazzo Te.
H. 07.00 p.m. Free time and then return to departure locations.
NOTE: It is possible to realize this program in more days, including the
tours of Modena, Parma, Cremona, Ferrara and Comacchio, the cities of
the “Pianura Padana” (Po Valley) that knew the political influence of
Mathilda of Canossa in the Middle Age.
The program of the visits “Mathilda of Canossa’s exhibition” can be
reduced to only one day visiting the Matilda of Canossa’s exhibitions,
the Castles and the Parish Churches only in Reggio Emilia.
Overnight in 3 and 4 stars hotels or in “holiday by farm” structures.
One person free every 25 paying people.
The price includes: guided tour of Reggio Emilia; exhibitions; Castles and
Parish Churches; visit at the vinegar factory and tasting; dinner at the restaurant;
overnight stay and breakfast in hotel, as per the programme; visit at the dairy and tasting;
cruise with lunch on board or in a restaurant; guided tour of Mantua and
San Benedetto Po; PORIVERTRAVEL.IT tour leader throughout the tour.
Two people free every 50 paying people.

The price does not include: bar services on board and ashore, personal extras,
bus and any other service not mentioned in the above “price includes”.
Proposal for dinner based on a Reggio Emilia’s typical menu: hors-d’oeuvre of salted
pork meats; two first courses: cappelletti (pasta filled with meat), tortelli (pasta filled with
cooked vegetables), chicche; two main course: tagliata (beef), roast; in season vegetables;
dessert; water and coffee. Wine not included.
Proposal for lunch based on a Mantua’s typical menu: hors d’oeuvre; pasta with meat
ragù or rice “alla pilota” (with sausage); main courses: roasts, in season vegetables; dessert;
water and wine. Coffee not included. (Please, specify on booking if you prefer pasta with
meat ragù or rice “alla pilota”).
Booking or further information click here

If you want to read the programme Matilda of Canossa 1 day see Matilda of Canossa in Reggio Emilia

Booking and direct requests: tel 0039 (0)522 739019 Fax 0039 (0)522 739019
of Nicolini Manuela
– via Garibaldi n. 5/A – 42010 Rio Saliceto (RE) – Italy – EU
Authorization Travel Agency – Tour Oprator
Aut. Prov. RE N° 106 of 12th October 2007 issued by the Province of Reggio Emilia.
Civil Responsibility Insurance n. 169215 Mondial Assistance
Program comply with CCV-UE and with the act Reg n.7 of 31/03/2003 D.L. n. 111 of 17/03/1995

contract of journey (Click to open file)
Mathilda's parish church of San Lorenzo Mantua
Mathilda's parish church
Mosaic of Mathilda di Canossa
Mathilda's picture
Mantua on the Mincio river
Pietra di Bismantova
Abbazia del Polirone (Abbey of the Polirone)
Matilda of Canossa picture
Matilda's Castello di Bianello
Ars Canusina Plate with the image of Matilda
Ars Canusina hand made fabrics
Appennine of Reggio Emilia Matilda's lands
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Matilda of Canossa Reggio Emilia and Mantua

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Since 1998 Cruises Holidays Events
Travel Agency Licence n. 106 of October the 12th 2007
Issued by the Provincia di Reggio Emilia
Civil liability insurance næ¹²15 Mondial Assistance  R.E.A C.C.I.A.A. N.245471

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